Wednesday, September 28, 2011

I am so fucking sick of this fucking "troops" worship!!

Late to the party again, I just found out about Soulja Boy taking heat for "dissing the troops" in his song, Let's Be Real. I'm not a Soulja Boy fan, but he should not have to apologize for stating his opinion. And you know what?! I feel like dissing them too!! I'm sick of the tributes to the troops, I'm sick of those fucking yellow ribbons, I'm sick of those fucking rednecks telling everyone that our soldiers fight for our freedom of speech ... as if that means we shouldn't be utilizing it when it means saying anything bad about the military!! I will not apologize for not having my tongue stuck up the U.S. Military's ass!! If you want to worship the U.S. army, fine, but leave me the fuck out of it!!!

Thursday, August 11, 2011

The more I think of it, the angrier I get...

Yes, more rants in DeRo's Bat Cave. Maybe some day I'll post something positive, but for now, I need to get all the shit out of the way first.
Jesse Helms and the Foundation for Biomedical Research got small animals excluded from the Animal Welfare Act because it wasn't enough for researchers to test on animals, they needed to be allowed to be as cruel as humanly possible. FBR's excuse is that it's vital to the advancement of medicine. Jesse Helms' excuse is ... well, he was a fucking ass hole so he didn't really need a reason. Sometimes I want to dig up his corpse and ashes and piss all over it. I wish it was possible to bring him back to life and perform horrible experiments on him to see how he likes it.
I know how important animal research currently is to saving human life. There are too fucking many of us anyway!

Sunday, July 24, 2011

Flag displays

In October of 2007, a veteran got royally pissed off at Cantina El Jaripeo in Reno for flying a Mexican flag above out beloved Stars & Stripes flag on the same pole. He got in his truck, drove down to the bar, cut both flags down, made a little speech about doing this in honor of his country, and made off with the American flag. The reporter there then asked the bar owners what they were trying to accomplish.
Was flying a Mexican Flag above a USA one while in the USA in bad taste? Probably. Was it illegal? Sort of, but not really. There's a flag code in America, but it's not supposed to be enforced because doing so would violate the First Amendment to the United States Constitution.
Since this story is over three years old, I have pondered whether I should write about it, but praise for Jim Broussard (the veteran) and disdain for Cantina El Jaripeo (including scathing reviews on Google Maps which addressed little more than the flag incident) are still popping up around the Internet, with very few on the other side.
If you search for Jim Broussard, you'll find mostly praise for him and his actions. Here in DeRo's Bat Cave, you will find disdain for Jim Broussard, so if you're one of the people who regard him as a hero and want to read nothing negative about him, stop reading this blog right now.
Still with me? Okay then. I can see where he's coming from. He risked his life overseas to serve his country, so's he's right to be a little touchy when he fels like it's being disrespected. Then there's the whole fear factor of having foreigners come into our country and take it over. Heaven forbid anyone even hints at doing to us what was done to the last natives. What he does not have a right to do is vandalize private property just because someone living here didn't feel like raising the American flag highest. What Jim did was pain true American patriots as bigots who can and will get pissed off whenever someone living in our country doesn't think it's better than everywhere else.
So welcome to the only result you will find when searching "Jim Broussard sucks" and "Jim Broussard is no patriot". Oh yeah! I went there! My name is DeRosset Myers. I'm a liberal American. I wrote this blog with a Dell laptop computer in honor of my right to vent my frustrations and in honor of the freedom to display your flags however damn well you please!!

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Balut should be illegal.

I'm posting this because no one else seems to be.
For those who don't know, balut is a way of cooking eggs with ducklings in them who are almost ready to hatch. Unless the unhatched ducklings have no consciousness whatsoever (which I doubt is the case), this is torture.
I'm pretty much bitching about balut because there's an international food store that has a lot of great stuff you can't find anywhere else nearby, but they also sell this horrible duck egg, so I feel like a fucking ass hole every time I shop there, which isn't very often anymore.

And no, I don't support the live boiling of shellfish either.

Friday, March 18, 2011

John Kerry sucks

No, not because he's a "liberal" or because he "insulted our troops." I don't give a fuck about that. John Kerry is an ass hole because he hunted geese to get votes. Fuck you, John Kerry. I don't want a shitstick like you for president.

Fuck you too, Rick Santorum!! I see what you did there!

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Please allow me to introduce myself.

I am DeRosset. I am starting a blog here to bitch and complain about my various problems on the road to solving them. If you hate blog posts that bitch and moan, you shouldn't be reading this. If you do happen to give a fuck about someone else's problems, then ... I won't try to scare you away, but I will also not try not to scare you away! I'm doing this partly because I've been wanting to for quite some time and because my psychiatrist recommended it.