Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why I make angry rants here.

Let's be honest. A majority of these rants probably look like selfish ravings from a spoiled brat with too much time on his hands. Maybe they are. I'm not trying to convince anyone with this blog though, simply airing my personal grievences (I'll be sure to spell-check that later). This hate- and anger-filled blog is for me alone, but anyone is free to read it. You know how sometimes you're so pissed off that you feel a need to share it with someone? Well I'm sharing my anger with The Internet. Read at your own risk.


Yes, I'm bashing Sony again! If you got a problem with that, then fuck off and go somewhere else!!
I'm actually using my PS3 and its shitty browser to type this blog because my moody laptop is currently turned off. That's reminds me: Hey Dell, fuck you too!!
Anyway, apparently Sony removed the option to turn off Trophy notifications while playing PlayStation 3 games. Of course the Sony fanatics give their fucking "cry moar" replies like the annoying biased pieces of shit that they are. I hate all fanatics; it doesn't matter who or what they are loyal to. They're all little fuckers of shit who deserve nothing less than to be force-fed shit! Who knows why Sony removed that notification disabler. Maybe it's because "Fuck you, that's why!" or some other crap.

On a side note, fuck Wikipedia for refusing to allow spoiler bars or spoiler notifications on its website. I used to respect those ass holes.