Thursday, August 11, 2011

The more I think of it, the angrier I get...

Yes, more rants in DeRo's Bat Cave. Maybe some day I'll post something positive, but for now, I need to get all the shit out of the way first.
Jesse Helms and the Foundation for Biomedical Research got small animals excluded from the Animal Welfare Act because it wasn't enough for researchers to test on animals, they needed to be allowed to be as cruel as humanly possible. FBR's excuse is that it's vital to the advancement of medicine. Jesse Helms' excuse is ... well, he was a fucking ass hole so he didn't really need a reason. Sometimes I want to dig up his corpse and ashes and piss all over it. I wish it was possible to bring him back to life and perform horrible experiments on him to see how he likes it.
I know how important animal research currently is to saving human life. There are too fucking many of us anyway!