Wednesday, December 26, 2012

Sick of the PETA jokes.

I guess it goes without saying that I am sick to death of that overused phrase, "I'm a member of PETA: People Eating Tasty Animals." To the people who keep using that phrase, you've made your point, now shut the fucking hell up!!! Yes, I hate people who kill animals! I hate people who kill other people! I even hate some of my friends! I actually un-friended one of them on Facebook recently because I was sick of him deleting all my comments on his posts. Was that immature? You bet your ass it was immature, but so was all his bullshit! Hmm, I seem to be getting off-topic. I'm sure it's no surprise to anyone that I never liked that anti-PETA phrase that I see over and over and over again! It's like that fucking bumper sticker that has the rebel flag and says, "If this flag offends you, you need a history lesson." You think some fucking Minuteman Tea Party redneck wouldn't bash my car windows and lights out if I had a similar bumper sticker but with a Mexican flag instead? And not a picture of Butthead pissing on it?!! Yes, I'm going off topic again, but this is my topic to go off of, so if you got a problem with that, call me out on it and I'll probably cuss you out!!

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Why I make angry rants here.

Let's be honest. A majority of these rants probably look like selfish ravings from a spoiled brat with too much time on his hands. Maybe they are. I'm not trying to convince anyone with this blog though, simply airing my personal grievences (I'll be sure to spell-check that later). This hate- and anger-filled blog is for me alone, but anyone is free to read it. You know how sometimes you're so pissed off that you feel a need to share it with someone? Well I'm sharing my anger with The Internet. Read at your own risk.


Yes, I'm bashing Sony again! If you got a problem with that, then fuck off and go somewhere else!!
I'm actually using my PS3 and its shitty browser to type this blog because my moody laptop is currently turned off. That's reminds me: Hey Dell, fuck you too!!
Anyway, apparently Sony removed the option to turn off Trophy notifications while playing PlayStation 3 games. Of course the Sony fanatics give their fucking "cry moar" replies like the annoying biased pieces of shit that they are. I hate all fanatics; it doesn't matter who or what they are loyal to. They're all little fuckers of shit who deserve nothing less than to be force-fed shit! Who knows why Sony removed that notification disabler. Maybe it's because "Fuck you, that's why!" or some other crap.

On a side note, fuck Wikipedia for refusing to allow spoiler bars or spoiler notifications on its website. I used to respect those ass holes.

Friday, September 7, 2012

My quick review of Lego Batman 2: DC Super Heroes

Fuck this game!! Fuck this fucking piece of shit in the fucking ass with a fucking pinecone!! It's so fucking broken!! I don't remember the last time I cussed at a game so much!! Everyone who made this game should be tortured and killed!! Fuck you, Traveler's Tales, and fuck you DC, for letting them make this piece of shit!! And fuck you too, Lego, for your fucking broken lego adaptations!! Fuck all of them straight to hell!!!!

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fuck you, Apple!!

You're a terrible company with an arrogant attitude, your MP3 players constantly fuck up, and your customer service is a fucking joke!! When my iPod finally does die out (which is probably very soon), my replacement won't be a product you make!! And if I ever get an e-reader, it won't be an iPad!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Domino's Pizza! Take your Artisan topping rules and shove them up your ass!!

It's no secret that Domino's Pizza sucks ass. Recently, I saw an ad for their new Artisan pizzas, none of which have toppings I want, and they're cockily stating that you can't choose your own toppings for it because they're "too good to be messed with" or some other bullshit! If they're not going to let me try their new crust with the toppings I want, they can go fuck themselves while I take my business elsewhere!

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Fuck you, Charles Martinet!!

You gave Mario one of the most annoying character voices I ever heard!! It was even your idea!! I hope you die a terrible death, you fucking piece of shit!!!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Star Fox on Wii: How it should have happened and how it would have happened

How it should have happened:
Controls similar to Tom Clancy's Hawx 2 or Sin & Punishment, where you control the Arwing with the nunchuck's control stick and aim (as in control the reticule) by pointing the Wii remote.

How it probably would have happened (there was no room for "probably in the topic title):
Having to control your Arwing using a Motion+ remote like you do in Wii Sports Resort and Skyward Sword. There would probably also be another sappy father-son story with Marcus trying to live up to dear old dad. G4, IGN, and GameSpot would give this game a less-than-perfect score and fanatics would yell bias either without bothering to know why those sites didn't absolutely love the game or trying to defend Nintendo's poor decision to make players use the damn remote to control the plane!!

I know what this looks like. I'm not trolling though, I'm venting my frustration at Miyamoto and his fanatics who can't take even the slightest bit of criticism!!

You poked the bear, girls! You poked him!!.

Thursday, February 2, 2012

This is my rant page.

This is where I type all my anger, rage, hatred, and pretty much everything "dark side" for wandering readers to see. I make no apologies for my posts here, cuz none of you have to read it. What you see here may offend you, may shock you, may make you question what the hell kind of person I think I am. I'm an angry Joe who hates Joe The Plumber and all the shit-faced ass holes out there.

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Fuck you, Sony!! Again!!

Since 1997, Sony has not given me a decent amount of time to stop hating it because of all the fucked up shit it does. It pretty much began with Sony paying Eidos to not put Tomb Raider 2 on Nintendo 64. Then it went on to some shitty Sony Pictures movies, faulty electronics, and most recently a hidden requirement for use of a new place in DC Universe Online that is not revealed until after I pay for it!!! Getting the 54 Combat Rating level to get into Central City is no easy feat even at Level 30, the current highest a character can go. To all you Sony fanatics who blame me for not doing all the research before buying the map, FUCK YOU TOO!!! There was no info on the pack saying anything about Central City than that buying the pack would grant me access to it!!

Fuck Sony!! I'm not buying more of their shit until they pull their act together! I can live without Vita or PS4!!