Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fuck you, Apple!!

You're a terrible company with an arrogant attitude, your MP3 players constantly fuck up, and your customer service is a fucking joke!! When my iPod finally does die out (which is probably very soon), my replacement won't be a product you make!! And if I ever get an e-reader, it won't be an iPad!

Sunday, June 3, 2012

Dear Domino's Pizza! Take your Artisan topping rules and shove them up your ass!!

It's no secret that Domino's Pizza sucks ass. Recently, I saw an ad for their new Artisan pizzas, none of which have toppings I want, and they're cockily stating that you can't choose your own toppings for it because they're "too good to be messed with" or some other bullshit! If they're not going to let me try their new crust with the toppings I want, they can go fuck themselves while I take my business elsewhere!