Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Star Fox on Wii: How it should have happened and how it would have happened

How it should have happened:
Controls similar to Tom Clancy's Hawx 2 or Sin & Punishment, where you control the Arwing with the nunchuck's control stick and aim (as in control the reticule) by pointing the Wii remote.

How it probably would have happened (there was no room for "probably in the topic title):
Having to control your Arwing using a Motion+ remote like you do in Wii Sports Resort and Skyward Sword. There would probably also be another sappy father-son story with Marcus trying to live up to dear old dad. G4, IGN, and GameSpot would give this game a less-than-perfect score and fanatics would yell bias either without bothering to know why those sites didn't absolutely love the game or trying to defend Nintendo's poor decision to make players use the damn remote to control the plane!!

I know what this looks like. I'm not trolling though, I'm venting my frustration at Miyamoto and his fanatics who can't take even the slightest bit of criticism!!

You poked the bear, girls! You poked him!!.