Tuesday, February 19, 2013

NintendoLife and Desire Turner can burn in hell!!

I've tried to play nice since I was banned form that fucking shitty excuse for a website for doing exactly what TheBlackDragon told me to do: address her directly when I had problems with the way she did things! Since then, I've tried to get unbanned, but none of those fucking ass holes will even reply to me!!
Well you know what, NintendoLife?! Fuck you, fuck your abusive moderators, fuck your standards, and fuck your policies! I'm done trying to play nice!! I won't be shedding any tears if y'all get burned alive! You are further proof that being human doesn't make your life worth anything!! Rat shit is more valuable than you!!

Fuck you, Sony!!!! Fuck you to hell!!!

You can update your fucking servers to sell more shit that continues to disappoint, but you can't fix some sound issues and other bugs that have been in the game for years!! Then you got your shitty Movie store that doesn't keep record of movie purchases so if my the data on my hard drive corrupts as a result of running your shitty programs (which has happened), I'm just SOL unless I back the whole drive up first! I lost a fucking $20 movie I got on your stupid store because my PS3 crashed while I was using your crappy-ass browsers and I can't get it back without paying for it again because the "license" needs to be renewed ... for $20!! Fuck you, you useless greedy fucking ass holes!! I hope the buildings you work in collapse on you and kill you painfully!! The world is better off without you, you fucking piece of shit!!!